We are a new Pittsburgh-based theatre company seeking to create new, boundary-pushing, original and adapted work exploring the digital world.
Founded by two graduates of the John Wells Directing
Program at the Carnegie Mellon School of Drama, this new company seeks to bring a avant-garde and unconventional aesthetic to the Pittsburgh artistic community.

Spencer Byham-Carson
Spencer is a proud son of these hills, with 24 years of expertise of living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. His work explores literature, internet culture, absurdism, the natural world, boys who act like men, men who act like boys, and good old fashioned slapstick. In addition to directing theatre, Spencer has studied Set and Costume design at the University of Arts London, and writes plays, paints pictures, and throws balls around in his free time.

Pria Dahiya
Pria is from Bethesda, Maryland, just close enough to Washington, D.C. to get a whiff of swamp. Her work explores internet culture, literary adaptation, archival histories and financial systems through literary adaptation, movement, and media design. In addition to directing theatre, Pria is an active visual artist, with a portfolio of work spanning experimental video art, performance art and figurative painting.

Hannah Wyatt (Marketing Manager)
Hannah is from Boylston, Massachusetts and manages the marketing and socials for New Product Company. She is passionate about music: guitar, bass, piano, and directs commercial film. She is a junior at Carnegie Mellon and excited to collaborate. Learn more about her at